Product | New 3D Cameras Upgrade: Higher Precision & Stronger Resistance to Interferences
Upload time: 2022-07-01

XYZ Robotics launched a new generation of industrial 3D cameras, including AL DLP structured camera and LS laser camera.

AL and LS cameras with upgraded features show better performance on vision-guided industrial bin picking. They resist highly reflective surfaces and strong ambient light effectively, thus leading to broader 3D vision applications.

AL DLP Structured Light Camera


With high-power blue LED projection, AL camera offers great resistance to ambient light in the scanning range. Its protection class is IP65.

High precision: Z repeatability of 0.4 mm @ 2.2 m, precise reconstruction of complex structures;

Anti-reflection: powerful recognition of fine structures and glossy surfaces, suitable for processed and painted parts;

Rapid imaging: imaging in just 0.6 s


AL 点云图

LS Laser Camera

LS camera projects high-power red laser and generates penetrating structured light through galvo, so it images effectively in strong ambient light. Z repeatability of LS camera is 0.4 mm @ 2.2 m, and its protection class is IP65.

Large FOV: 1.5 – 4 m, suitable for recognition in deep bin and large parts;

Adaptable: adapt to parts with low re­flectivity, anti-rust oil, transparent film, and other working conditions;

Ambient light resistance: 28000 Lux @ 1.5 m, resist strong ambient light effectively

LS 视野图

LS 点云

Case Study | Feeding of Bearing Rings

The customer requires automated feeding of bearing rings with the guide of 3D vision. Bearing rings are toroidal, reflective, and thin-walled parts cluttered in bins. The vision recognizes the orientation of parts and place them on the conveyor with front side up.


  1. AL-L camera resists the interference of highly reflective surfaces and recognizes the orientation of bearing rings accurately;
  2. Fast recognize in 1.7 s/piece;
  3. The vision guides the collision-free picking of bearing rings randomly piled in bins

Featuring higher precision, stronger resistance to interferences, and better protection class, XYZ Robotics’ new 3D cameras offer ultimate vision solutions paired with XYZ Studio

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